I'm getting stir crazy, my walk, route, always the same, out for coffee, the day, grey and raining, no trace of snow. 

A new month, a new stack of free piles on every curb...

Walking, past ISIS, not the terrorist group but one of the local sex shops renowned for their racy window dressing, and - who would have guessed, Valentines day is coming...

I'm going to have to find a Valentine this year. I think a "It's Valentines Day where are you taking me?" should probably be enough of an introduction, I refuse to miss out on the possibility of a free meal...

The girls at the liquor store, they know me, be damned if they can't take me out...


Last night, busy, up mapping possible destinations, a sapphire deposit, as yet undiscovered, just a few miles south of town. And some great quartz crystal possibilities, south of Chilliwack, several locals, and the good stuff has yet to be discovered, but it's there, it's there.

Yesterday, before the thrift shop, the text, the restaurant, asking if I intend to come back. And - the answer, a hard no, but it's hard to give, it commits me to finding something else, better, and fast - but damn, it's time...the second fire lit under my ass. I should look at my bank account, that would be the third and final fire...


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