The other night, at the restaurant, an ursine visitor. Senior describes it, a clatter in back, on the loading dock, comes down to confront a black bear on it's hind legs. Somehow, cozy on the sofa inside the restaurant, I missed it. 

Last night, a comfortable bench by the Prestige on lakefront. Homelessness I'm used to, but without a vehicle it sucks. That should resolve itself in a month or so. In the meantime I'm carrying my bag, laundry with me, light sleeping bag, as well as a notebook and laptop and chargers, etc. 40 lbs of "essentials". It gets a little old walking around with all this shit, but - what are you going to do?

Anyways, eat in town yesterday, 3 squares, a vegan wrap and side at "Sprouts", a Pho at Yom Sum, and then again later a Yogi Burger at the Yellow Deli. 

These weekends at the restaurant - I eat there as well, but a lot less, the food bores me (after 5 years, yeah, of course). And so I'm trying to catch up, balance my diet while I have a chance.

8:00, I'm down on the waterfront, watching the blue-bottomed (swifts? swallows?) comb the water for insects. There are dozens. Watch the people. A couple fighting, she's going off for an extended stay at a "Hot-Tub" party, he wants to break up, she's pleading with him that it's just a "Hot Tub Party" and it's more work than it sounds like. Joggers, Dog walkers. Later, after the sun sets, an Eagle in a nest across the lake makes it's appearance. When the sun goes down I spread out my sleeping bag on the bench and go to sleep.

1:00 AM I'm woken by a drunken asshole swearing into his phone, he's surprised to find me there, he came down to the waterfront looking for privacy. 

Eventually he wanders off and I drift off again. 

2:00 I'm woken by a large splashing in the water. A lot of noise. I strain my eyes against the darkness. Nada. About a minute later more splashing, then I see it - a very large black bear has swum to a pier about 30 yards away. I sit up and light a cigarette. I don't want him swimming over to me and finding me in surprise. He's a big one, maybe 400, 500 pounds, larger even. He cuts a big silhouette against the stars on the water. I watch him pacing, before eventually jumping in the water and swimming to shore. I watch to make sure he's not heading my way, he's not. Back to sleep. 

By 3:00 AM it's getting cold. Curl in and cover up. 

6:00 AM and I'm awake, shivering, waiting for Oso to open so I can get a coffee, warm up, charge my phone...

And - for the moment, this is life. Coffee, 7:00 until 8:00, then off to work at the thrift shop. 

Finish at 4:00, find somewhere to eat and kill time until the sun goes down...



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