I'm terrible to drive with. I'm one of those people who if they don't like the music that's playing or the station, I change it. Again and again. My passengers think it's a little game I play to drive them insane, but really, there's not much music I like and I either love it or hate it and not very often am I ambivalent enough to just leave it on.

There's SHINE FM. Get off that station ASAP. But sometimes you arrive in the middle of the song and you don't know they're singing about their love of Jesus and you find yourself humming along or listening until you realize - that brain in your brain kicks in - that you're on the Jesus station and then you change stations in a hurry.

There are both the French radio stations - these are usually a good bet, and if you're driving late at night you'd do well to just leave them on.

There's CBC radio 2 DRIVE, which seems to play the same music - exactly - day after day. The commentary is the same, but the music is looped so that once you've heard a couple of the songs you can almost predict which one is coming next. They gotta get out there and explore a little more and stop trying to push whoever they're pushing to the top of the charts.

And there's CKUA. I like CKUA, really, and I'm definitely part of their target demographic, but I always tune into them during their fundraisers and feel that I should be donating money, even though overall I probably listen to them the least of all the radio stations.

And on CKUA, if you're very unlucky, there's "THE ROAD HOME". It's this program whereby the announcer talks about being in the North Woods someplace petting porcupines and cuddling squirrels and about the impermanence of trivial things, but he has a wonderfully seductive voice and you can imagine him all there, tucked up with his hot chocolate beside the fireplace, reading his fan mail and letters, the poems he reads aloud...the girls, you know they lap this stuff up, they devour it, they can't see him but they only can wish they knew a man so tender and sensitive...

It drives me insane. But when you're playing radio roulette you don't look at the dial, and sometimes you end up listening to a good song, one that creates, evokes, sets the mood, and then "He" comes on to talk about the bear in the woodpile and how all things have their place and you start to froth at the mouth and can't hit the "search" button on the radio fast enough.


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