I have a theory about the lottery I can't let go.

I'm one of those wing-nuts with a bulletin, yarn, thumbtacks, pictures of the Queen, Justin Trudeau, Lady Gaga, connecting the dots to a Komodo Dragon, a Pyramid, All-seeing eye, ...

Doing all the thinking myself...

I'm trying to get Chat GPT to help, and it's been useful, sort of, until I started fact checking it.

And I discover errors. Statistical Errors. Input read errors. Several of them. 

An example: 

You: In row 2 you count 3 primes. I can only count 2. Please explain
ChatGPT: Apologies for any confusion. Let's double-check the prime numbers in row 2 of the dataset:

3 11 21 40 46 48 36 

The prime numbers in this row are 3, 11, and 41. These numbers are divisible only by 1 and themselves, making them prime. Therefore, there are indeed 3 prime numbers in row 2

You: Um, there is no #41 in row 2. The numbers, as you repeat to me, are 3, 11, 21, 40, 46, 48 and 36

ChatGPT: Apologies for the confusion earlier. Let's reevaluate row 2:

3 11 21 40 46 48 36

Upon reexamination, there are only two prime numbers in this row: 3 and 11. I appreciate your patience with this.

You see where I'm going. Clearly Big Lotto and Our Reptilian Overlords have gotten to Chat GPT. Now, back to doing all the heavy lifting myself...


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