He's polite, articulate, he's a long-time party member, but unlike other party members he's reasonably polite, civil, greets you at the door, checks his coat, this makes him an exception not just among party members but among Albertans in general. Manners, after all, are a vanishing thing.

He presumes we're on the same page as him, expansively, liberally even, we're all intelligent, well bred people, aren't we? What can you do about a province that elected a Trudeau (again!) as PM and a woman - NDP - as provincial leader?!!! It's crazy! He presumes our agreement, and really, he has it, we're in that job where to disagree or show signs of intelligence would mean immediate unemployment. I don't agree, not with a single thing he's said, but he's pleasant about how he says it which is better than most, I have to confess...

He continues, he's expansive in his person-ability, you can see how he rose up in the party, really, the party isn't known for their charismatic members but he's definitely one of them...we offer him a drink, he doesn't drink, various reasons, health, can't, but as well, he used to own a chain of restaurants, liquor stores, hundreds of them throughout the province...

...and he's seen first hand the damage that alcohol can, does, do, the addictions, the alcoholism, since when he's sworn to never touch another drop...

...ironic this, the swearing to never touch another drop, yet the profiteering off the alcoholics, the wife-beaters, all those who weren't as strong as him, he has no moral compulsions, no desire to expound or proselytize his point of view for the fear that it might cost him his livelihood, this, this is the classic conservative, the role mode, the poster child, charming, affable, ready to damn you for a slight commission with every poison he'd never touch himself...

I have to laugh. But it's true...


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