And been feeling a bit under the weather lately, told myself it was the flu. Shortness of breath, thick green mucus when blowing nose, slight fever, chills, etc, so I get curious, look up the symptoms, pretty sure this is it:


Today was worse, up, feeling clubbed, back to bed, up, feeling clubbed, back to bed, up briefly, clubbed, and back into bed.

This - reading up on the variants expected, predicted, is going to get a lot worse, most people I know have had it - in the past couple of weeks, and - for something that's going around and laying us all low (and no immunity to this to be expected from the current Vaccines, too different) - it's getting surprisingly little press. Everyone, keep calm and carry on and DON'T MISS WORK ANYONE.

If I can stay awake long enough time to make some congee and head back to bed...


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