I'm not the only one with dating horror stories. The daughter, she's 14, back in Calgary for a couple of months, catching up with friends. One, a boy she had a crush on when she was 8 or 9...they arrange to go to Calaway park.

My daughter, she's a young 14, there's 14 and there's 14, if you know what I mean...

She meets him, he's still short. She's 5'6", he's roughly 4'1", mebbe 4'2", kinda still chunky with baby fat...She makes me promise to pick her up, no later than 7:00...

..After the date she tells me it was the worst time ever. She's self-conscious about his height, or lack-thereof, he was too fearful to go on the roller-coaster, made her sit on the front of the log ride so he wouldn't get wet, wanted to ride the strawberry teacups, guilted her into buying an $8.00 slice of pizza, then, when finally they got back to his place, made her sit and watch him play video games...when he was done she watched him watch you-tube walk-throughs of other players playing video games...

"It was the worst time ever...I never want to see him again..."

Ah, darling, life is preparing you for the real world...

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