A collection of vintage photos found at the flea market, some interesting possibilities present themselves...

The first couple prove that hipsters have always been in style:

Vintage Hipster

There's something about this one's eyes... 


A young Val Kilmer?

He sure was handsome, but her friends had warned her about internet dating and so she asked him: "Is this a recent photo?"...

There was only one cure for kids like him, and that was the priesthood...

Benedict Cumberbatch??

And a few postcards which I rather liked...

Lady Blessington...(I'm guessing she was a hottie of the era...)

A postcard of a man eating pork sausage or something. Because everyone wants one of those...

Almost forgot this one: "They seemed like the perfect couple, but in the end he discovered the midgets living beneath her hoop dress..."

The backs of the cards are occasionally interesting as well:

And, finally, for those curious as to what can be done with vintage photos, try these artists:

link: http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/gallery/2015/jan/31/colin-battys-sci-fi-portraiture-in-pictures

&& http://www.wired.com/2012/04/antique-photos-animated-gifs/

** Feel free to steal these and use as you see fit. Information should be free.


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