Website offline due to being hacked.

So, a dozen or so hours later it's been restored. There was a while there where it was not looking so good.

Tech Support - $15 in Long Distance fees for no services rendered. Tell them what is wrong and they tell you it's something else. Website hacked, need a fresh install. 1 Million + words, gone gone gone. 10000 Pictures, gone gone gone. 

OK. Try to repair, fresh installation, copy pictures - hours of ftp, then re-upload, I've no time for this, or place, homelessness doesn't work well with technology, coding, programming. This PC of no memory, of forgetting, loading things onto a failing thumb drive, forever needing to scan and repair, this is painful. 

Finally, scanning the code via FTP I spot the problems. Fix. Website up. Now to remove all the corrupted files. Another hour or so and - change password, hold my breath - all is up and running. 

Now on to better things...

Smart Search