This is the fascinating tale of a vanished Douglas C-54D that disappeared en-route from Anchorage Alaska to Great Falls, Montana, on January 26th 1950. 

70 years later and there's been no trace of the passengers or crew discovered.

Articles here: and here and here:

Operation Mike still continues on facebook:

The plane is believed to have crashed somewhere along the BC/Yukon border, although there are those that think it may have crashed further south (there are rumors that it may have crashed in the Cranbrook Forest district, or going over Crowsnest pass, although it seems unlikely that with the increase in population & forestry work there it would still be undiscovered.)

What is especially curious is the fact that intermittent SOS/distress calls were picked up for 2 weeks following the plane's disappearance, implying that it may have not met with a fiery end (as reported by one warden who reported hearing a "boom"), it may have landed relatively intact and the 44 occupants perished awaiting help. Cold weather, clouds and snow hampered search efforts and quite possibly the plane was entirely covered over and so went unspotted. Another is that it landed on a lake - and come spring sunk to the bottom with it's passengers. There are a few tales like this - try:

The original news clippings from the Victoria Times Colonist:



View original news clippings: They start on January 29th.

Better satellite maps here:,-130.72177,16,satellite

I would be curious to get radar out on a few of the other lakes in the area - Blind, Barney, Deadwood, there's no certainty but it's been a mystery long enough.

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