And - despite my laughing at all the ridiculous shit Facebook is throwing at me, there's the very real concern - AI is still in it's idiocy stage, garbage in, garbage out, but soon - maybe a year, maybe 2 or three, the results are going to start to be indistinguishable from reality. An AI hallucination of the worst sort. And all the possibilities of the internet - already hard enough to find good information - all these things are going to be destroyed. 

There will be a very big market for a carefully curated internet that deals in facts and realities, whereas of late it's become a cesspool of clearly deranged AI hallucinations. And a market for an internet that delivers human generated results. 

On the upside, (and you'll see this from all the "Follow Me" posts I get)  - there's going to be a reckoning coming for every "Model", "Influencer", "Artist" and "Pornstar" that's going to require them to get clothes, a personality, a job and a life. 

That won't be a bad thing... 

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