So, going down the more esoteric listening rabbit holes of Theosophy and other such Biblical interpretations. 

Noteworthy - and - occasionally cringe worthy - "Acres of Diamonds" by Russell H. Conwell - which takes the old folk tale of the Arabian who dreams of a buried treasure, travels far and wide, then returns to discover it buried in his own back yard. This - the entire narration - be a good neighbor, and you will be amply rewarded. The style of writing - more or less compiled from various of the authors travelling lectures - often painful, ridiculous, but - it's of the era. That said I would be curious to attend one of his speeches, if only to see how he presented his lectures, somewhat in the manner of an itinerant preacher I imagine.

Other books - "Your Invisible Power" by Genevieve Behrend, "The Game of Life and How to Play It" by Florence Scovel Shinn - classics - there are dozens in the same light - as ye think so shall ye become, the world is a manifestation of thought, etc. etc. Noteworthy uploaders include Master Key Society, Esoteric Tower, Psychology Library.

Now, just a quick note - every new age flapdoodle religion or belief has it's grounding in these books. "The Secret" is nothing more than old knowledge recycled and passed down time and time again. What is curious is that we need such an inane movie to readvise us of what is probably the closest reasonable interpretation of the Bible there is. 

Other worthwhile listening comes in the form of Alan Watts - whom I'm not perfectly in accordance with, but I enjoy his lectures nonetheless. 

And Carl Jung, his own readings or competent readings from his works - his theories on symbolism & psychology greatly embellished Freuds.

So, there, largely, lies my listening pleasures lately, some curious things online, if only you know how to find them. 

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