The daughter, conversations, the big bang, the extinction of the dinosaurs, ... our own, seemingly inevitable extinction, trying to find, distill some meaning from it all ...

What matters.

I don't know. 

Or I do, I think I do at least, have an intuitive grasp of beauty and those smaller - and larger moments, all too often alone, it would be nice to share them, but it's seldom worth the risk, to apprehend beauty in the company of fools - well, it makes it ugly, it in some ways devalues it, better to find it on your own. Which then maybe is a separate post, on the nature of beauty, not merely the sum of harmonious colors, symmetries and shapes, but ...? How to describe? Mathematicians describe beauty as well, and it has none of those qualities, and certain words, languages, have to the ear the same quality, and so there's a more worthwhile thought I can return to. 

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