Now - I mean, there are still a staggering number of people that buy the "Wet Market" hypothesis, which while not exonerating China is a little more acceptable than the "Lab Leak" hypothesis. 

But then there's this, Wilson Edwards, a "Swiss Biologist" invented by Chinese Social Media to disseminate lies and doubt about the politicization of Covid.

Links: BBC, NBC, The Guardian

Now how on earth can anyone trust anything China says about ANYTHING AT ALL? I MEAN - REALLY - if EVERYTHING you say is a LIE - then it follows if your LIPS ARE MOVING CHANCES ARE GOOD YOUR LYING!

This is not even the first or second time that China's tried  this - there was previously the MAINE LOBSTER HYPOTHESIS (link) - in which China tried to pin the origins of Covid on Maine Lobsters. Or that it came out of Fort Detrick (link)

It is appalling that we - or any other first world nation - continue to have any traffic or commerce with them. It is overdue that we start choosing our friends based upon their good characters and reputations within the international community. And - some countries should have NO ACCESS TO THE INTERNET at all. We can't stop them from lying to their own people - but we can stop them lying to the world at large.

Much like a lot of our friends and relatives, some people don't have the requisite brains or education to be allowed to hold opinions, or trusted to vet every bit of disinformation they read. And I'm increasingly of a mind to think that Opinions are a Privilege that reasonably require you having done some hard research before entertaining.

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