And, while not in the library I've been trying to learn a bit of Latin. 

Ridiculous but I come across a fair bit of untranslated Latin in my reading, and it's something I should be able to read. 

And once you can read Latin you have a pretty big leg up on the romance languages - Spanish, Italian, so - while I have time, it can't hurt.

First week, Duolingo, their website, free, learning to say dumbass sentences, their "tried and true" learning model - winning "hearts' and unlocking levels, basically making language into a video game, it's fine. But when it starts telling me I have to buy hearts to continue it's time to move on. 

Now to YouTube, where there's an abundance of videos and the only thing it demands is that I pay attention, and my attention span, it's been in short supply lately, but we'll get it together, and with 15-20 minutes a day I should be fluent within the year...

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