I find the moment to tell the owner I'm leaving. Moving to BC. Not an easy thing, overdue, well overdue, life should move on and I've been stale here a while, my corpse stinking up the restaurant. 

I'm nervous, of course, it's been 20 years, more, here in Calgary. Kids, work, obligations. But I give up. Finding the work-life balance here, it's impossible. Especially now. Always, as long as I've worked here, but even now more than ever. Time to leave. Nelson, well, not so sure. There are jobs, if you're willing to work there's always jobs, and you begin again to climb the ladder, I only want the struggle to be 8 or 10 hours per day, 4 days per week. A little more time for me and my devices. Who knows? They might pay off yet...

...and I'm closer to a lot of things...

Worried, of course, about finances, bills to be paid, accommodation, work, there's things to be worried about for sure. It's no picnic...but I dispel the clouds overhead with my sunny thoughts that life is an adventure...and, regardless, I'm due. I'm due. 

He takes it well. Disappointed, but I think he knew it was coming. Maybe the nephew, maybe the abstracted way I went days without speaking. I've got nothing to say. I'm overdue. Time to go. And, the word is spoken, the countdown starts...

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