This weekend, May-days in Kaslo. Kaslo, tiny town of a thousand people besieged on every side by tourists looking to absorb the summer's fun - the weather, spectacular, the views, even better...

The Garage Sales, as well spectacular, but I'm getting older and I'm needing less and less and buying things on spec...well...

I find an antique chamber-pot. $5.00. I don't need, but I know someone who will use.

Chamber Pot

"Royal Tudor Ware, Barker Bros. LTD, England"

And an antique (I suspect reproduction, abundant similar to be found on the web) golfer piggy-bank, $8.00.

Antique Golfer Piggy Bank

User presses lever, golfer swings, knocks coin into hole. Novel. But in too fine a condition to be original.

Other finds, too many to list, gold pans, decrepit and worn and rusted through, mining equipment, a proper farmer-hoarder, with his finds categorized into neat outdoor sheds, thousands of items, tens of thousands more in reserve and not for sale, a perfectly preserved or restored antique humpbacked chest, freshly painted, a 60 year old woman with all the make up in the world, sheer black lace blouse, nipples visible, erect, it's morning after all, the days adventures will continue...


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