My Facebook is filled with these, "mysteries" that upon the slightest examination prove to be no mystery at all.

For example, the melted steps within the Temple of Hathor in Egypt. According to the link on Facebook, and (briefly) on Reddit - "it would take 4k degrees fahrenheit (2204 celsius)to melt stone. That's a little less than the surface temperature of the sun."

Wow! That's proof of Ancient Aliens, or a Meteorite, or Nuclear War, or Atlantis, or something. 

Only a single Google search reveals the steps are carved from Limestone - specifically travertine, which as the rain washed into the temple over thousands of years ran down the steps, both removing the limestone and redepositing it, in a process very similar to what you find in Caves.

So no mystery at all, the mystery being how people are too lazy to do the most remedial of research and come to an intelligent and informed conclusion, preferring to spread disinformation. 

..That said, you heard the latest regarding 5G and the activation of the Covid shots?

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