Not my garden, but you've gotta contribute somehow, and it's better when you're not being told, so I took the initiative and built a garden.

Square foot gardening

Built, installed boxes, terraced hillside to hold, dug out and in stone flagging, dug out fire pit (edge of ring lower right)

Fill boxes with a mix of vermiculite, compost and peat moss, surprising how much a 4X4 box can hold.

But in the end it's done. 3 days worth of work, but it looks pretty good, if I don't say so myself (I don't mind, I'm not modest...).


Fast forward a month and a week and...

Boxes filling up, tomatoes, lettuce, sweet-peas...

In the far right corner I've begun a waterfall and fish-pond, which should be done in a week or so...

It's come along nicely. Shame, it's not my garden.

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