And tonight, returned to work, a long break between shifts paying bills....the nephew has some news...

The Nephew is the world's most unreliable witness. Witless. That the owner's been working on a sale to a group of Lawyers, it's almost done, when it's done we'll be paid as well, a couple of thousand, enough...when? Soon...

I don't know. I get he'd want to sell, this recession, it's without end, and the restaurant has been a headquarters of sorts for commercial real estate agents, but what will he do? He's not someone with a lot of other interests or hobbies...Still, if he's selling it saves me quitting, if he's selling - soon - it makes sense to wait until the deal is done, can have the parachute of EI if required, the only problem is I'd like a date, the ability to organize some plans, the nephew doesn't have this and the owner's said nothing, he's preoccupied with his own worries...

...and I wonder about the reservations we've taken, months in advance, and what his plans are there, but his concerns, necessarily, are more immediate, and so it's ride out September and see what October brings...

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