Skagway is nice. An entirely tourist driven economy - it's a stop for the cruise ships - so a few restaurants and lots of pricey gift shops selling native carvings, crafts, mammoth ivory and carved moose antlers, rock shops, other assorted kitsch.

We grab a bite and then check on the Ferry timetable - all in all, Skagway takes about 2 hours to walk around and get a feel for. It's pretty tiny. Initially it was the gateway to the Yukon, prospectors going over the White Pass by rail or on foot, now it's just a stop for cruise ships....

The Ferry leaves the next morning at 6:00 AM, we have to be at the gate an hour before, and so we look for a hotel. 2 in town, There are no vacancies. 

Even the staff are surprised.

We go out to a nearby beach, searching for tide pools or small things of interest, nothing really, kill some time, returning to Skagway we pass a hotel that has just put up a vacancy sign - a single room, 2 beds, and we're in luck. I didn't trust myself to wake up in the wilderness at 5:00 AM to get on the Ferry, this solves that problem...

And, that solved, we go for dinner, and on the way we pass a vaudeville show - the Days of '98 Show. The daughter, she's not interested, is in fact mad at me for considering it, and vents her anger upon me when I confirm we're going. The show starts in a half hour, to pass the time we gamble in their mock casino with play money.  The girl has a taste for this....And from there into the play.

Now she's resisting, she didn't want to go and so she's refusing to have a good time, looking out of the corner of her eye at the players, finally looking at them straight on, it's amusing, good natured, it's the story of Soapy Smith, well done, not too long and at the end, the daughter, despite herself she enjoyed it.

That done we go for dinner. Tasty Thai food. And then the hotel to sleep and wake up much too early and get on the Ferry....

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