Cleaning up concentrates, with glasses on, picking out a multitude of tiny gems...

Some of the quartzes possible river worn topazes, the abundance of garnets, a few I don't recognize...

Garnet, if bigger it would be facetable, and beautiful, lovely colors.

Yellow quartz, agate, topaz or Citroen...

This mineral, long and fibrous with a luster, maybe a form of calcite or selenite

quartz, garnet, maybe another garnet but that deep red, is it pyrope or...? And the red ones, heavier by far, always in the bottom of the pan, they were the biggest, a few in the 3 or 4 carat range, definitely big enough to be cabachoned or faceted.

This, of the more ruby red variety, note the crystal shape (eroded), doesn't seem to be that of garnet...


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