Otherwise, in news from the hood, other than stressing over a freaking broken (and very slow and time consuming repair/migration/upgrade) this is what I've been up to. 

A new series, Netflix, Guy Murchie's "The Gentleman". Nothing for substance, amusing for style, he's a knack for dialogue.

One thing that I notice is that while he's busy portraying gangsters and posh aristocrats none of the portrayals are even remotely accurate, more just confirming the audiences best prejudices about the circumstances displayed.

And I rewatched "Into the Wild" - which, surprisingly emotionally affected me. The character of Chris McCandless, the people he meets - the young girl filled with longing, the hippy couple, the old man who helped him to make his belt. 

That was the beauty of it, and the frank depiction of the relationships that he forms, I think I enjoyed it more on the second watching. I especially enjoyed the line "new experiences without which we grow old", for I've been growing old all winter.

Then there was "Burn After Reading" - the lightest of the Cohen brother's films by far, their idea of a rom-com or spy movie. Stellar performances by George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Frances McDormand, John Malkovich, actually, pretty much everyone. Not my favorite of theirs, but even their worst movies are better realized than most Hollywood dross...

And I started a couple of new paintings, which I'd post here but there's a learning curve here that I'm not yet on top of. Suffice it to say that I primed a canvas and then got scared of it ending up like my website...

Facebook, lots of nuttiness up there. I've saved a lot of great "AI" images of Jesus and stewardesses for you. I think they can't get any more absurd, and then they do....

Wing nut shitposting that she wants a "Strong Male Leader" like they "Have in Russia". Hmmm. Facebook, the repository for all the 'friends' you'd never speak to in real life...

She (Wing Nut) also posts links to videos....'rumble.com', which is like the free-speech alt-right white-supremacist alternative to YouTube. 

It's pretty bad. I warned you. 

And of course, the US Election, Climate Change, The myth of Donald Trump as Christ, his crucifiction, now, in the media, in the courts, foreshadows for the Christian Right his resurrection, and never mind that he's shown his hoof, waved his tail, worn his horns, I am greatly worried that he's coming back...

And for the moment that catches us somewhat up. 

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