She's familiar, in that way people who meet daily in restaurants and cafe's and yet want formal introduction. Forever on the peripheries of acquaintance, a mere 1 degree of separation, and then she'd disappeared. 

I put it down to a change of schedule, quite possibly mine, and forgot about her. There's a whole host of people whom I should know by now, literally everyone, and that I haven't been introduced is a matter of timing and inclination. 

Anyways, apparently it wasn't my schedule, it was hers, she's been away, Lower Mainland, the big city, and she's shown up again in the café a wet hot mess, blue pantsuit, expensive handbag, a ridiculous wheely-luggage thing that possesses the tiniest bag on the bottom, big enough for a pair of knickers and nothing else...

It's a prop to start the conversation; she's been away, on the coast...

She sees me, the glance of mutual recognition and the perplexity as to why we haven't been introduced...

Her dress, I've noted, always fashionable-sexy in a Vogue or magazine sort of way. Not in the Kootenays sort of way. A "Professional", but in what capacity?  

The skit begins. 

She begins by explains herself to the Barista's in terms loud enough for me to overhear. I need no introduction, I, and everyone else in the café, are going to be caught up to speed on her latest adventures.

She's been away, Lower Mainland, going on lots of dates, her problem, she's been told, is that she's "too nice", but that's part of her charm, her small-town values, and she doesn't want to lose these...

A proper coquette.

And she's a little whirlwind of Chaos, everyone stopping by to catch up with her, tribute paid to youth and beauty, and she's regaling them with her dating adventures, breaking to tell the Baristas that they still make the best cappuccino she's ever tasted, she's missed this town, it's home for her, really, even if she is now living on the lower mainland, and OMG, she needs change, she forgot how to feed these small town meters, hahahah...

She's completely oblivious and the sole actress and star of her own show, after Marilyn Munroe, and you can just sit and enjoy it until you can't take any more...

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