Like a lot of people I'm sure I on occasion beat myself up over not buying into Crypto, by which I mean specifically Bitcoin and Ethereum.

I mean, I remember first reading about it on BoingBoing or some other online 'zine when it was around a dollar, and I thought it was a curious thing. 

"Has potential" I thought, and knowing that money itself is a fiction was curious to see how this new fiction would take off. But I didn't buy in. 

And when Bitcoin hit $2000 I was a bit annoyed, as was everyone else on the planet who didn't buy in. "Coulda Shoulda Didn't".

So I took the time to investigate the other crypto currencies, there was Titcoin and Potcoin and a whole bunch of other novelty crypto's used to buy your illegal drugs and porn on the internet, but the one that struck me was Ethereum. Still reasonably cheap, I should buy into this...

I didn't. I'm at heart a big skeptic.

And to be truthful, had I bought in, how would I have known when to sell? I mean, who did?? Sell too early and you'll be cursing yourself on the fortunes you lost. The same if you sold too late. No matter when you're a loser. So even were I a crypto-millionaire I would somehow find a way to beat myself up over it. Although, let's be real, a few million dollars can dry an awful lot of tears...

Bringing us to the newest TikTok trend of people being given Dabloons, which are tokens given to people as a reward for watching certain TikTok videos. They have no value whatsoever, monetary or otherwise, so I'm laughing again in disbelief at people collecting them and I think of the Owner's (restaurant) son, who made a tidy profit selling his house a couple of years ago and "invested" it in Bitcoin and NFT's. He's already lost it all, and I've had a few laughs with him over it, a pocket full of bored apes and a wallet full of dust....

Before that there was his Blackberry stocks, it was only this year he realized...well, it was time to get a proper phone. I think he's still holding on to the stocks.

That kid has had more bailouts than the Titanic...

I send him the link - "Buy in now....get your Dabloons....sell when I tell you and buy stocks in Twitter"....

He's an Elon fanboy, but - even this strikes him as preposterous. Twitter is privately a privately held company. And besides, what remains of his money is "going to the moon" with Gamestop and Dogecoin... 

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