And so I find out through the grapevine that I have a rave-name, "Hickory Sticks", which makes me curiously defensive. 

For absolutely no reason.

I'd just like to take this moment, though, to address some concerns I have about my general presentation & hygiene, in that I've been - however reluctantly - "Kootified", of necessity gone "Local" or "Native" as they might say, the lack of readily available shower, clean mirror, laundry, storage, closet, bathroom, well, it takes it's toll, and - man oh man - what a change of routine it'll be to start getting clean, soaking in the bath, taking a shower, shaving, even paying somebody else for a haircut (I've been DIY for a while, and it shows). 

I mean, I make whatever effort I can, only it's to no great effect. Some things you just need your own bathroom and laundry.

Until then "Hickory Sticks" it is...

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