And it's come around again, election time for the local area, the incumbent is standing down and the owner's son, he's set his chops on being the district representative. 

There are 3 people running against him. 

Now this - his interest in politics, it's encouraged by his parents, and I wonder why. Because - really, if he wins he's bought a whole ton of responsibilities for what amounts to a very mediocre part-time salary. He will still be living large in Mommies pocket, But it's campaign, campaign, campaign, and I'm more than a little certain that he's doing it solely so he doesn't have to look for work, he has no hope of winning, and while I can't speak on this his reputation - well, it precedes him. He has no community engagement other than at election time, no community profile, and he doesn't actually live in the area he's hoping to represent. He's the archetypal self-serving politician who wants your vote at election and then disappears for the next 4 years. 

My thoughts, anyways, at most a week of this nonsense to go and I'll be free and clear to address what are fast becoming a lot of other things.

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