Yesterday, at the thrift shop, I suggested they play Nick Cave. 

This didn't last so long with my partner, who listened to about 5 songs and then changed the music. 


And then - in the evening - I heard of his second son's death. 

This man, he's going through the trials of Job. And this, this, well... you wish this on no one. Certainly not someone you hold in such high regard.

And I know he has faith - of the Christian order, and I know he thinks - but this heartbreak, it's beyond reason. There's nothing I can say. No commiseration that doesn't sound trite - and - while I can well imagine his pain - and in some measure share it - I have no desire to live through it's equivalent. Imagining it is but a pale shadow of what he is living...

SO I am sorry and I hope he can survive this. And if he doesn't I understand. But - fucking hell - he's being put through it. The trials of Job. The test of all faith beyond all reasonable limits...

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