3:00 PM and the stubble's on her face, 6'6", 240 lbs, built like a linebacker, maybe 35 years old, gym socks stuffed roughly in her bra, the hair, long and to her shoulders, it might be real....

She's not fooling anyone...

She's with her footman, or slave, a diminutive older man, maybe 5'5", shorter even, 60 years old, she orders a diet coke, he asks - meekly - if he may have one too. "Of course", and she waves dismissively. She's catty, in that camp-exaggerated sort of way, paying the bill up front she tells me - "He'd dying for a cigarette, but I'm going to make him wait...".

It's a seriously fucked up little sadistic sex game being played out in public at a rural pub in BC. If they'd have been only half an hour earlier the pub would have been filled with bikers in colors, and what a little scene that would have made...I imagine - buying one of the bikers, the biggest, the ugliest, the loudest and most obnoxious, a drink, saying it was from her, and asking why he hadn't called her back - mayhem ensues, but only in my head...

It's a Kootenay thing I've noticed, along with a few other things ("Side of ranch" - everything here, everyone wants that side of ranch, with their wings, their appetizer, their pizza, new to me), the Trans population - relatively large per capita, puts absolutely no effort whatsoever into their new and assumed gender identities. Throw on a wig or a dress or a name-tag and expect, demand that everyone treat you as a woman. Hang around Waits newstand and coffee shop for an hour or so and you will see some of the least convincing trans people in the world. It's as if they've just given up. I'm used to the big-city version, where every effort is put in to your appearance to outshine your (legitimate?) competition, where guise and artifice rule the scene. Not so here.

I've discovered that my liberalness has it's limits, too, I mean, really, if they're not going to play the game, why should I? I'm a little impatient with these confused and deranged gender identities, if they want me to play their game, they should have to too. People can get a little too comfortable in themselves, Clearly I seriously need to revamp my thinking...

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