So far in the Kitchen we've Sean - who's been here a few years. New hires include A* and J* - both younger (late teens), living at home.

But - this is not enough, especially with the other commitments the restaurant has taken on (Catering the Golf Course).

So - in order of appearance, this years players will be:

H* - a younger server (30's???) who talks incessantly about her "Partner". Ken no longer works here so I don't know what the deal is; I'm suspicious of people that forever go on about their significant other or relationship - they are not complete people.

J* - who I haven't met but has already taken to calling the restaurant far too often to check upon her schedule.

T* - an older female server (40's) - probably will be good.

Cathy - from last year.

There's L*, JR's Mother in Law - who comes down for a visit, forever coming in for hugs, she seems to have somewhere in the winter decided to "have a crush" on me, sticking her tits and whiskers in my face. This won't do. We're going to have to ship her to the Golf Course. I make the mistake of showing her my "3-fingered death punch" and she got a little too excited.

Nope, Nope, Nope.


There's C*, who just before he left to come here got mugged in Victoria, all savings, money, cards, stolen, he's piss poor, not even started and taking his meals in the restaurant, on credit, a hard-luck story, do I believe him? maybe...not, in any event this man needs Kung-Rate, He's already calling me "Sensei"... 

A*, back after a 3 year hiatus, she's a kitchen nightmare, bossy, not my problem and hopefully she's learned to chill a bit from the past few years. Hopefully. 

There's John, the Filipino, I'll mark him as sane a quiet, a worker bee, I'll leave him alone, sometimes you gotta leave people alone and - while it kills me, cultural differences might not translate my humor well, and - worker bees who shut up and do their job are worth their weight in Gold.

Saturday night, they're sitting around Staff Housing, the waning sun, boring Balfour Nights, another year and the circus is beginning again...

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