We don't get together too often, them living in other cities and all, usually it's around when the daughter comes to visit and I gather the kids together...

This year, summer, we all met at my fathers. Not all, the brother bailed, busy, but my sister and her partner, my daughter and I, my father...

My family, any family, we don't get along sooo good, sooo bad. My sister, she's her own peer group, mostly people that share her lifestyle, that's OK.

Dinner, turkey, mashed potatoes, the daughter loves mashed potatoes...

...And she goes up for a second, a third, a fourth helping...

there are principles of moderation, manners & breeding, always leave the table a little bit hungry, I allow one extra helping, but by the third I have to comment and by the fourth I'm getting annoyed...

The Sister is quick to comment, sharply, that I'm affecting "her body image", as a parent I'm doing untold damage to her self esteem, she'll be an anorexic or bulimic now for sure...

It's family, and while you could mention things like self-restraint and good manners some people wouldn't get it. She's one of those people. And it falls on you to be the polite one, pretend you were the asshole so you can cover for her bullshit politics, lack of breeding, if she wanted to raise a chubby, over pampered ill-mannered child she could, but it demands more commitment and responsibility than either her or her partner want to undertake, they've built a comfortable lifestyle around themselves and they don't need anyone else messing it up, and you're inwardly seething, no commitments themselves but they're a little too free with their ill-informed opinions, politicizing good manners, the feminist versions of Donald Trump, and you realize that even just once or twice a year these family gatherings can be a little much...

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