Friend gets a job. No small feat around here, and so I'm getting the details, it's more than a little unbelievable. 

The title, maybe "Customer Service", but a more accurate description might be "Energy Shaman". Working for a small company out of Nelson that directs "Energy" or "Positive Thought" or "Intention" or "Prayers" towards $50/month "Subscribers", the benefits of the program include greater wellness and life-satisfaction, etc, etc. 

Vague, unsubstantiated benefits that can only be brought to light when you call customer service to cancel your subscription. 

It's clearly a scam, and she knows it, and - gathering from the comments of the "trainers" - they know it too, but - hey - it's a job. And apparently all this energy being directed needs a lot of computers and programs so you can input information and route it accordingly - the energy can't go unsolicited, or it may cause harm...

I'm not making this up. 

I listen, and ask questions, I sort of have my head around it, but it gets better and better...

8000 Subscribers. $50.00 a month. That's a 5 Million$$ dollar a year business, with 20 or so employees.

The owners of the company - "The Founders", they've built a machine - "A Machine", that routes the energy accordingly. She's asked about it, apparently no one has ever seen it, some say it's at the owner's place, other's that it's somewhere in the US, but they're surprised, when she asks, as if none of them ever thought to ask the same question themselves, then they "shhh" her, the machine, it's not to be discussed, too many questions and you don't want to appear incredulous...

I want to get Jon Ronson onto this, he'd love it, just hearing about it is making me anxious, what would it do for him?

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