I found this on a wing nut I "unofficially" follow on Facebook. 

A video from a local nut-job, whom I previously described - he makes his living (??) selling quack medicine & spiritual devices. Staff's as antennae to contact the gods, for a few thousand dollars apiece. His website, filled with video courses he offers (on nonsense, at ridiculous prices), T-Shirts of his own design, bargain priced at $88.00 apiece, other ridiculous items, priced into the thousands, ways to adjust you're "frequency", his tag-line is "My work exists at the frontiers of science, spirituality and art..." which is as well bullshit, "art" is a bit heavy handed, the science is invariably out of context, wrong or misquoted, and the spirituality, well, just because someone is telling you they're "enlightened" doesn't mean they are. Usually, in fact, it means the opposite. 

Anyways, I was curious to see what the local nut job was up to, the post, an hour and a half long interview done by the fringes of the new-age wing-nut crazies.

So I listen. You'll recall that a couple of years ago (almost 3) his wife committed by jumping off of Pulpit Rock, his wife, one of the town beauties, a tragedy all round. He described it as "Her Leap to Freedom". Well, apparently she's been in contact, he had to wait a while but he figured it out - she's on Venus, contact is limited to the rotation of the earth and the conjunction of the planets, the heavenly spheres, she's in the nth heaven, yes, it's all easily explainable when you understand Dante and Feynman and Einstein and Bohr, the Gospels of ... and the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, the antimatter-positronic fofuf-a-tron postulated by ....

...measured, of course, in cubits, the underlying numerical harmony...

...because quantum...

...vibrations oscillating at a frequency of...

...epigenetics ensure the mitochondria will naturally...

...pituitary glands having regulated the chakras... 

The nonsense is unending, and I'm trying to figure out if he's pretending, or if he actually believes this shit...

How is he not a doctor? I mean, he should just take the title, teach at a university, a psych college, make him a lecturer, allow him to explain his theories, then have the students explain just what the fuck is going on...

He quotes heavily from the Venutian Science Book - and yes, apparently it's a thing, and there's not just one: Link to Google Search Results.

You know the old saw, "don't judge a book by it's cover"....I can't help it. 

It goes on, it's really a pitch for him to get funding, a go-fund-me, find sponsors, for a movie he wants to make about the afterlife, obviously he'll need a big budget, CGI, he's got a friend in California that can do it, $5,000,000 should cover it, his ex-wife has made all sorts of mathematical discoveries on the other side, from Venus, he's been doing horoscopes, can tell you, for a fee, where you'll go based upon your earthly existence, where and when you die, your own path of ascension...

He's building a website that will calculate the horoscopes for free, if only he can find patrons...

And so it goes, I skip through it, I'm missing nothing, it does seem to me that he's somehow found a way to capitalize on his wife's death, a new grift with which to plague the unwary and gullible.

This town, full of searchers and grifters, and god-damn I'm worried about finding a job?

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