Image; T RexAnd while on the road trip through upstate NY the daughter and I discover The Petrified Creatures Museum, sufficiently odd to warrant it's inclusion in any guide to roadside attractions. The shop, filled with an eccentric montage of curious collections, a strange smell that brings me back to childhood, antiques and dust, through the back and for a small fee you can view the "Museum" - a collection of "Life Sized" concrete dinosaurs made vaguely to resemble the earliest claymation animations, mostly fallen into disrepair, exhibits on rocks and fossils, and a digging area where you can collect your own fossil shells and brachiopods (hopeless, the rock is hard and the fossils are small). It's not listed in the Atlas Obscura (and as I check I notice that I missed the birthplace of the Cardiff Giant, but I missed out on an awful lot this vacation...), but you can visit their website here:

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