To the gym, with my new Gym bag, trying out all the medieval instruments of torture, discover another, how to use? Surreptitiously peek or spy on someone, figure it out, wait my turn, wear myself out on it and find another. Rinse, repeat. High school girls occupying machines to take selfies of themselves or do a set and then endlessly scroll through their Instagram photos, they wind me up, I'm on a mission, hurry up...!!!

I recognize a couple, petite fit Kootenay girl, spotting for her immensely muscular boyfriend (s??), she smiles & says "hi", I know them, but from where? Certainly not here. Probably the restaurant, or perhaps a rave. It's embarrassing this, these gym bunnies benching more than I'll be able to do in a year, not that that's my ambition but I am inherently a sexist, and I'm not living up to my prejudices...

A sane person might consider it time to revise their prejudices, but no one's ever accused me of being Sane.

Another girl practicing her Pelvic Thrusts with a 200lb Barbell on her lap, bloody hell, is she dating King Kong?

I fucking hate the gym, but as I seem to be a sucker for punishment...what with the Vodka and smoking, I'll see how long I can stand it...this, at least might have an "UP' side, so I keep it up...

Pumping Iron, until your only thought is to escape the gym, your every limb trembles and burns, and even the bars on the doors are too tough to push open, and it occurs to me to make a Gym themed Escape Room, the whole purpose to escape it, overcome obstacles tailor made to increase your fitness, move this weight and this and then get to the door, pull, could be done, easy.

When my hour is done, torture completed, I was hurting from Tuesday and I'm hurting even more today, this didn't help at all, then down to the Steam Room and Sauna where I can feel the Vodka and Nicotine evaporating through my pores. Small reward for a lot of pain. 

The Gym, it's curbing my enthusiasm for drinking and cigarettes, my sole vices, it's true, you need only a single good habit to begin dismantling a hundred bad ones. The subconscious mind does not hold contrary views, in opposition to the conscious mind which can comfortably hold a hundred.

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