Sunday morning I wake up in Glade, time to visit, lightly clean out and organize the locker. Put some stuff in, take some stuff out.

This is a big task, but most certainly the best garage sale I've been to in a while. Candlesticks, art supplies, easels, rocks, more art supplies, and I'd forgotten but a formidable amount of Stormy's artwork. I mean a formidable amount, it had slipped my mind how prolific he was.

And, i hate to confess but my storage of these priceless artworks is less than archival and I'll be damned by all of history if I don't find a better way to lay these boxes all up.

Anyways, 4 hours of this unpacking/repacking the locker and I'm done, to look at it you would think nothing had been accomplished but I need a space to unpack, discovering bales of forgotten clothing, shoes, shirts, trousers, I need to come here with a mind to start cleaning all this stuff out, leaking stuff into the trash, how I have this much stuff - in this the tiniest of lockers, is beyond me, and I'm always pleased to discover some long lost treasure I'd forgotten about - here it is! Wow, I'd buy that....wait, I already have...

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