I was scheduled for 2 shifts. Not enough but they're just getting underway. And so I picked up a shift.

And then another, and another, and another...

People sick, or hungover, which is the same, and it kills me how when one person gets sick everyone else feels obliged to follow suit, gets on the same bandwagon, they're sick as well, "must have caught it off of...", of course they're not sick, they're skiving, making believe they're sick because they don't want to work. It's a Kootenay thing, I swear I'm the only person out here who pays rent... Yesterday, picked up a lunch shift, and then the manager comes in for a meeting, only no one else could show up to the meeting and so it's her and me and another lunch waiter, and she's "caught the bug" and needs the night off, she - the manager, works maybe 20 hours a week, starts at 4:00 and does her best to be outa there at 8:00, everywhere I go it's the same, start, ready, willing and able and soon, too soon, you become the donkey.

Yesterday, 11 hours on my feet in shoes that were made for 4 and I'm exhausted...

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