And, living out here, too far from anything and I'm becoming a bit too .... how shall I say? Inert? 

The days - some cold, colder, and I have no incentive to just go walking up the highway. I want to be looking for something. I need a raison-d'etre. I have one, several, but they all keep me inside, and I'm restless.

I've done a few big walks along the rail tracks North of Procter - abundant pegmatites, some black tourmaline, but - well, snow, short days - as they lengthen I'll get farther along and maybe - just maybe - I'll find something good.

Wednesday last, windstorm, power out, here, only for a day and a half and I'm worried about the food in the fridge spoiling. I shouldn't have - by 24 hours in the temperature inside matched that outside, head to town to charge your phone, by the time I'm back the powers back on. Only 36 hours out - which - compared to other places that had to wait until Sunday to have it restored - is pretty good. Along the highway, for a full mile, every line downed by trees, flattened, these localized windstorms, how to explain them? Microbursts? And then, another 20 KM along the highway and everything's fine, then another microburst, trees, power poles, lines, everywhere.

Sunday, Snow, a thin white blanket over everything.

Too slippery to walk far, but at least there's power.

This week, befriending the local Blue Jays, more accurately "Steller's Jay", there's been a pair outside the deck every day, I leave them some breadcrumbs, pumpkin seeds, almonds, Tuesday there's 4, Wednesday I count 6 waiting for me outside at 8:00 AM. This could get expensive. They walk along the rail and try to catch my eye, wake me with their cawing - scold me if they think I'm late and if the bowl is empty they squawk and stare me down from the patio. 


And so that's been it, the reason I haven't been writing - no reason at all, really. Now, a beautiful day outside and I must go and get some exercise - when I come back I'll tell you all about "The Invisible Machine", which is as unbelievable as the Medium channeling Little Timmy and Silver Cloud, but I should be making hay while the sun shines.

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