Email today, bright and early, from the landlord telling me to pay my rent today. 

Hmmm. That's odd, my rent cycle is in the middle of the month - I offered to top up the difference to make it month-end to month-end when I took the lease, but he declined. So I forward him the receipt showing his acceptance of the e-transfer on October 2nd. And then I forward him the rent to mid-December. 

No reply. Not an "oops" or "sorry" or nothing. He's an asshole. Now I've paid my rent for the past year largely 2-3 weeks and even months in advance - and never a word of thanks. But - if he imagines I'm paying it even a day late - he's on the computer sending me emails.

I still have to live here or I'd publish the weasels name, but it puts a fire under my ass to get out. 

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