re: The Blog: This has been a parking space for my more trivial thoughts. Not all, but most, a way to get the reflexive reactions or trite observations out of the way. But trivial thoughts are like gnats, you no sooner swat one than a thousand more appear, and so continually I'm ranting about things, observing things, talking about things that in a better frame of mind I would just ignore. And those things I have shared that I enjoy I should perhaps explain, explore a little more deeply. 

This - aside from this lead, won't generally be published in the bulk of the blog. You can find it by coming back to this article and following the category. The articles will appear. Each article will be a chapter. The good news is the most recent chapter will always be on top. The bad news is I've started, so - to start at the beginning you will need to go back a few pages. Read UP the page. So - until I find a way to fix this it will be a bit bugged. In the meantime I'll simply post a list of chapters - at the end of this - and by following the final link you'll always be up to date.

Amid countless distractions - the news, or lack thereof, the honking of horns, the weekly "Freedom Protests", who - wanting their freedom at the expense of everybody else - in Alberta, getting what they wanted, yet still they linger - they have not put their finger on it after all - they didn't understand, what was it exactly they wanted again? And now they are forced to defend other heinous freedoms, the freedom to hate whoever you choose, to do what you want regardless of consequence, the freedom to spread whatever communicable diseases you choose to whomsoever you wish, be it AIDS, Hepatitis,  what-have-you.

Then there's the innumerable irrelevant emails from the NY Times, somehow I made the mistake of signing up (how? "Click here to receive updates", big fingers, whoops), wherever you look there's things that will take you away from what you should be doing. There is no news I need to know that I can't find out for myself.

The world - THIS world - it's made to distract you - entirely - that is the point. 

What I should be doing...

The children's projects - working on them I discover they go - easier and easier as I peck away - it shouldn't be this difficult, rhyming doggerel in the style of Dr. Seuss, yet I have a problem with rhythm, cadence, finding JUST the right phrase - it's off, it's on - you know it when you read it, write, write away, then chip, chip, reform the verse until you have it just right. You know it when you read it. And - hitting it more and more, but you can only do this so long when the mind rebels, turns, points you in another direction - a change is as good as a rest, this will be that rest.

Now where to turn my thoughts. There is this nagging of another project that I have too long postponed, and I am daunted, it's formidable, where to begin...?



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