I had done another painting the night before, mixed media on paper. I started with watercolor pencils, then ink, then some acrylic and oil pastels. It worked quite well. And so I took the success to heart and started another - Robot, instead of paper using canvas and starting with watercolor pencil and acrylic:

So far so good. Lots to fix with it but I'll do that with the Oil Pastels... they have a better range of color than the cheap Dollorama paints I've been using.

Fail. The oil pastels don't catch or blend with the surface of the canvas, what worked well on paper fails here. 

Oh well...learn and try again. Given how much I enjoy painting I should be doing it more often, there are occasional successes, this is not one of them. Fortunately my theory of art limits the time I spend on a piece - failure is often made worse by trying to remedy it, merely learn the lesson and start again...

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