And, moseying around Nelson a couple of days before Christmas, the antique store had just brought in a fine selection of vintage/antique "Creepy Dolls". I have a thing for them.

From right to left, pocked papier mache doll, Gollywog, what at first I thought was a fabric rhino (but I think it's simply an old or original "piglet" doll from Winnie the Pooh), lying prone - girl with flesh colored eyes rolled back into her head...

So, the next few shops I kept my eyes peeled:

At Moon whatever consignment a mixed media creepy monkey...

An assortment of crystals, wrappings, figurines. No single thing grabs me, but the display works...

Some curious tiny preserves in formaldehyde...

Another gaggle of creepy dolls, 

And, finally, this doll here, spotted marking the Bus Stop into the Twilight Zone...

Which, frankly, would be a better horror movie than any I've seen lately...

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