And restless (always), getting out and searching the roadcuts for minerals of the eye...

large (2") Feldspar crystal in Granitic...some of the intrusions are made up of masses of these, large, good places to look for other large crystals...

coppery colored fools gold in quartz (note the iron, good mineralization, worth grinding & checking for gold...)

More Pyrites.

More pyrites in mica and quartz...

Digging in a decomposed vein of clay, or possibly a pocket, the clay beneath the top was a brilliant white, perfect environment to find crystals. I found nothing.

Deep blue, azure, in Mica Schist, likely copper, photo is a bit blurry (sorry, blame camera)

...and, after the minerals in the schist decay there's a light recombination of the minerals, beautiful pale blue, turquoise, light - crumbles away in your fingers, but shaped like a coral or a brain, maybe a biological agent?

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