Image: Left or Right Brained?

Left or Right Brained?

Today's "link(s) of the day" (posted by now as you've noticed every other or so day, but time is often an issue, and I've given you value on the past links of the day, so please forgive my tardiness.) deal with personality - and various methods of measuring it. Personality inventories are overall pretty much the same thing, different ways of cutting up the same pie, but their value lies in how well they can predict the behaviours and actions of the individual. With that in mind, here are a few links to get you started:

Jung Typology/Myers Briggs Test

And, finally, what's it all about if you're not happy? (which, in a sense, is a personality trait.) So if your unsure (who's unsure about this stuff?) try one of the many tests here:

 (OK. If you see the image above as spinning clockwise, you're right brained dominant. Anti-clockwise; your left brained dominant. Click here for an explanation. 


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