And so I'm spending too much time scrolling on Facebook and I don't think I've ever let it get this bad.

It always starts the same. The first few scrolls, maybe new, fresh, then the neighborhood goes to hell.

It starts with the cartoons - K'Nif, Hoki-Poki, etc. 

Yep. That's Veronica. Hasn't aged a bit.

And this. From Zena's Doggy Tales and Advice for Anything Pets. 

I can't even summon up very droll.

Then it surprises me with this:

Which is kind of brilliant, I mean, you have the African Missionary helping the two-headed American Colony in Idaho...

I don't know if this image is real. Maybe it is. But somehow having an account that seeks to monetize this ... well,...

It degenerates quicker from here on in. Now, as I've tried to figure out the girls that keep showing up, some, yes, "Only Fans" promoting their side-hustles, but there's a lot of AI that seems to be promoting nothing. 

Now, bear in mind that I screenshotted the above image, and so I'm about to get bombarded with a thousand such similar posts that Facebook thinks I'll like. 

Anyways, back to the pretty CGI girls...

"Pretty" maybe not the word, fit. The pom-poms are a good trick to hide the hands. Because the hands, they're what give it away. As if the abs and general figure didn't.

Here, just blur the hands out of the image.

Now, what's up with this "It's my Birthday I just want a wish"...


Hands out of picture, I say not real. This account seems to have a lot of this...

And it goes on and on.

Now, having screenshotted these 3 AI women Facebooks' going to try me on some new adventures:

Take a break. Look at the AI rendered treehouse Facebook showed me. That's as good as it gets for a bit...

Yeah. Tractor girls in Lingerie. There's a niche for everything.

More terrible comics, I mean, appalling. 

Oh, Jennifer Aniston, don't you know, because I watched that "Friends" Clip. 

I don't think that's really her.

Pretty sure that isn't her as well. 

Now, log off, go back in a few hours, and these screenshots I've taken, they've gotten me into all sorts of trouble. 

I mean - here's a few of the new offerings...

This Amputees on surfboards is the natural evolution of screenshotting perplexed 2 headed woman.

Yeah. This isn't even the half of it, there's worse, much, much worse. 


Like WTF Facebook!!!

And I don't think that's an AI. 

My other interests are being pushed aside with Facebook's eagerness to pander to my newly discovered tastes...

Because I like archeology and see, it says "archeology". I get these every time, with giants, aliens, dinosaurs, sasquatch, you name it, I've gotten it. 

Give up in disgust. What was I looking for anyways?


Back to Facebook, scroll quickly past the hundreds of CGI (and few real) girls. 

I'm not biting. 

Not today Facebook, just here to check the marketplace and friends.

More "Funnies" like this:

Just not funny. Not a little bit. Not at all. But increasingly that's my feed....

But, scroll fast and far enough and I'm confronted with a new group that would probably interest a man as disinterested in Pretty CGI Girls as I am....

Yeah, still not getting it...

I go back and look at a few pretty CGI girls just to set the record straight with Facebook...

Anyways, that clears it up, my digital preferences...

More randomness: 

This, a new thing. Screenshot, get a hundred more just like it. Well, gotta say, it beats the amputees and deformities. Although what awful luck - to land the plane so safely and then slip in the mud. Thank goodness Jesus was there.

Screenshot? Wait, I must like this, here's a hundred more...

Yep, looks like the North Koreans are going to take on the Big J.

And this inspiring photo of a godless heathen about to snatch the solid gold Jesus Idol. I heartily approve this message.

Now my feed has degenerated into handsome CGI male models. At the gym, in the sauna, on the street....

And I don't know what I've done to deserve any of this.

Anyways, I'll leave you with a masterpiece. A combination - what Facebook knows I'm going to love, because after all I screenshotted so much...

Which, I gotta say, is a masterpiece of early 2024 predictive algorithms....

And a pretty good workaround on AI's problems with fingers and toes...


Now, this is the thing, I mean, I'm not searching any of this shit. None of it. It's just generated to keep me entertained, or engaged, or whatever. It's what Facebook "thinks" I'll like. But at least I have the wits to do some remedial fact-checking and trust that Facebook is the last source in the world for any information or news.

Everything that it's feeding me, and presumably others, is complete and utter fiction. 

But there are an awful lot of people that believe it, and they'll be heading off to vote before the years end...



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