An absolutely terrible book from the "Standin' Tall with Obedience" series by Janeen Brady. Link courtesy of Popkin, Via Boing Boing

Now, I actually gave this a listen - far more than I should have - and I can't help but think that Ms. Brady's next series should have been titled "Can you keep a secret?", I mean, this is exactly the sort of drivel that you would expect a ambitious church leader would indoctrinate his flock with...

It might not be so bad (it would, who am I kidding?) if it followed on the heels of "Reasonable Boundaries" or "Please don't touch me there...", but it doesn't...

Who thought this was a good idea to publish? And - really - it's one thing to look at it and cringe, quite another to think children might watch and take it seriously. Or adults might make them watch it, and I would be soooo mistrustful of any family or church that had this on the shelf...



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