You knew it, with the Freedumb convoys and all the truthers and the increasing general level of stupidity that has pervaded the planet. 

Musk, I've been suspicious, and increasingly dismayed/disgusted by his actions, and this just cements it:


UPDATES: (Dec 14, 2022):

To summarize, that kid that had a website tracking Musk's private jet usage has effectively had his twitter account "Shadow-banned", meaning that it will be unavailable to most users. That's Elon Musk, champion of freedom of speech, except when it concerns him.

Now, a few things regarding "Freedom of Speech" and - "Freedumb" in general - is that the people that go on about it usually want freedom of speech for themselves, and for  everyone else just to listen. 

That, of course, is not part of the bargain. People that argue "Freedom of Speech" seldom, if ever, allow for informed or intelligent dissent.

And "Freedumb" can be summarized as the "right to do as you choose without regard to it's effects on others". This is almost always an exclusionary Freedumb, the one lobbying for his or her "Freedumb" never wants someone else to have the freedom to choose differently. 

Anyways, a day of trifling annoyances on the internet, but I read the news, what did I expect?



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