In which every journalist who reported on the previous Oregon Mall Shooting, of which this was obviously a copycat, every newspaper and network that chose to publish or broadcast the previously mentioned Oregon Mall Shooting, are prosecuted for the willful and premeditated murder of the 28 victims, thereby ending the murder of innocents....

Newspapers no longer publish news of suicides, knowing that this leads to copycats. But they cheerfully publish stories that inspire unbalanced people across the nation to compete and / or do better in the slaughter of innocents. They are complicit, this news published with the view of gaining readership/audience share, copycat effect be damned. 

Journalists, broadcasters, networks and publishers be damned, you are liable and this hangs upon your rotten souls. And if you should run into one on the streets, feel free to take matters into your own hands, take comfort in knowing you'll probably be saving a life...

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