Thought I was done with this shit, it's been years.

The computer, nagging me to update it, stop my routine of hibernation, restart it, download all the new and latest updates...

And the nagging turns to bullying, and the computer interrupts me to threaten a restart in "choose my time", 4 hours, 10 minutes, and eventually just restarts without warning when I'm off grabbing another coffee......

And, the slow rebooting, 30 minutes before I see the "Starting Windows" screen, another 30 before the login screen....login, and another hour before my desktop appears, slowly, slowly loading, these updates, a slightly more modern or contemporary graphic layout, that is all. And then begin the errors. Every loading application throws them up, I need touch nothing, the update, the Microsoft Kill signal, it's fucked everything. 4 reboots later, 10 hours later, still trying to reboot to safe mode, roll back this fuckery, and there's no saving this, and I console myself with the thought that Gates, that asshole, is too busy saving Africa with my involuntary investment in his shit operating system...

I thought I was done with it all, thought in 20 plus years of computers they'd have figured this out, but they still haven't, or maybe they have and this kill signal they send out is part of the planned obsolescence, another perfectly good PC in the trash so Gates can send my next donation to Africa....

Fucking Bloody Hell



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