The is, in essence, every New-Age help-yourself philosophy ever, contemporized for 1954.


"Change yourself and you change the world, discipline your thought, go-get-it man, where's your get up and go? You can do it, there's always a way, visualize, telepathy? Why Not?" The Jargon, phrasing, right out of some bad 50's movie about beatniks, but it hits all the bases - healing, self healing, body a reflection of mind, visualize it and it will come, it has to, ridiculous examples of dialogue and "case histories", all circa 1954, examples of recreated self-defeating dialogue, all this, the oldest of truths paraphrased and new to every generation, but the medium in a fashion is the message, we relate to people best in the language of our day.

That said, the message, the oldest one in the world, really, merely contemporized for the American Beat Crowd. I was amused.

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